Four Things About Myself

Black-and-white profile picture of Patrick Scheips

That's me! 🙋‍♂️


I'm a trained IT Specialist for Application Development from Germany holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Cognitive Computer Science from Bielefeld University. In 2017, I graduated from the University of Dundee (Scotland) with the degree of Master of Science in User Experience Design with Distinction.

Topics of Interest Passion

I've been interested in technology since I was ten and soon started to learn how to code. Early on, I realised that there was more to building applications than coding, so I soon learned about HCI and UXD — before I even knew these terms. Both my Bachelors and Masters theses deal with topics from this subject area. Having had a scientific view on HCI and UXD was remarkable, it deepened my knowledge and understanding of these topics and its impacts on society.

I'm a fan of teamwork, especially when it comes to working in diverse teams. I think there's nothing more igniting and inspirational than letting people with different backgrounds have their say. I like to see it as the highway to success. (Yep, I'm speaking from experience.)

Are you familiar with that saying 'You never stop learning'? Well, in my case that is definitely true. I indeed love to share knowledge and to learn new things and try to do so as much as possible. For example as part of my voluntary work as an Ambassador at STEM Scotland.

What I Want to Achieve

I'm focussed on making software applications that people love to use by providing solutions that make a difference. My goal is to deliver the best user experience with the help of UCD techniques and what I think is crucial to make a difference: passion and dedication.

And that's not just flowery phrases. Have a look at my Blog to learn more.

Life Outside of All This

I love the outdoors and to go jogging. I also fancy reading, watching and listening to thrillers and dramas, especially #silo #borgen #theAmericans #sherlock #houseOfCards #lesRevenants #theLeftovers .

But quite frankly: If you're passionate about something, then there's no 'switching off'. In fact, after going for a jog, my head isn't empty but full of ideas — for me, this is a source of inspiration.


Awesome, that's how it starts! Click below and let's have a chat. About a particular project, UX in general, the latest House of Cards season, or whatever you fancy.